Blue-Footed Booby

An honorary penguin soldier.


Rally up the troops.

Can equip up to 4 green fish.

Whereas other penguins can equip up to 3 green fish, the Blue-Footed Booby knows how to rally troops and can equip up to 4.

Can discard equipped green fish when slapped.

Blue Footed Booby’s equipped fish are willing to take a hit for their captain. They can be discarded when Blue Footed Booby is slapped, potentially making their captain 4-fish-harder to knock out of the game.

Blue Footed Booby

Blue footed boobies are known for their blue feet, which they use in their mating dances.

The name "booby" is derived from "fool," as sailors viewed their dances as foolish. The boobies, however, take themselves very seriously.


Penguin or not, we are all citizens of Tuxedo Island.

Blue Footed Booby

Honorary Resident , Tuxedo Island